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Merry Christmas with “Kallikantzaroi”

I wish you all Merry Christmas with “Kallikantzaroi“!

I wrote “Kallikantzaroi” back in 2005. I was planning to compose something new for this Christmas but since this is still uncertain let’s stay with something from the past. “Kallikantzaroi” was first written for piano and then I thought that it would be nice to orchestrate it. Here is the orchestrate version:

What is “Kallikantzaroi”?

From Wikipedia: Kallikantzaroi is a malevolent goblin in Greek folk tradition. They dwell underground but come to the surface during the twelve days of Christmas, from 25 December to 6 January (from the winter solstice for a fortnight during which time the sun ceases its seasonal movement).

It is believed that Kallikantzaroi stay underground sawing the World tree, so that it will collapse, along with Earth.

Read Wikipedia article>