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8bit God

Working Prototype

Instructions: Use the above editor to change the colors of the “8bit God” statue that is located in my studio. 

(2019) Interactive Sculpture
Acrylic cubes, LEDs , Arduino, custom software.

“8bit God” is an interactive light sculpture made of glass cubes. The form of the sculpture is inspired by the Cycladic Idols of the ancient Greek civilization of the Aegean sea, transformed through the digital culture of the 8bit era. Each cube can be lit in any of the 8 fundamental 8bit colors (red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan, black and white). Anyone near the sculpture or kilometers away can change the color of any glass cube (pixel) using this online page. A webcam is taking a snapshot every time a color changes and uploads the photos online.

The sculpture is a common canvas for anyone to draw and design their divine figure; their god.

Color and light have a primitive power in the spiritual customs and ceremonies of people. The basic colors of the 8-bit computers have affected the aesthetics of the last generations, as computer games have been an important part of their childhood. The revival of these color combinations can arouse memories and feelings from this age and together with the abstract human figure of the idol can be the personal reflection of the supreme being.


The form of the sculpture is inspired by the Cycladic Idols of the ancient Greek civilization of the Aegean sea, transformed through the digital culture of the 8bit era.

A working diagram of the “8bit God” setup.

The 8 color palette used in 8bit God

Color number Binary value RGB Hex Values Color
0 000 #000000 black
1 001 #0000FF blue
2 010 #00FF00 red
3 011 #00FFFF magenta
4 100 #FF0000 green
5 101 #FF00FF cyan
6 110 #FFFF00 yellow
7 111 #FFFFFF white

Prototype Photos