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“Malena” theme arranged for piano

I realized that there is not piano version of the popular soundtrack the Ennio Morricone composed for Giuseppe Tornatore’sMalena“. The main theme called “Inchini Ipocriti E Disperazione”, was always one of my favorite Morricone ‘s themes. So, I decided to write down the arrangement I used to play in the piano.

You can download it for free here:

Malena Theme – Inchini Ipocriti E Disperazione – Piano – Yiannis Kranidiotis.pdf

and you can listen to it here:

Bellow is the original movie version of the theme.Read More »“Malena” theme arranged for piano

Zombies, Run!

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Inspired by the stories of “Zombies, Run!” audio adventure I wrote a piece trying to describe the atmosphere…

“Paint it black” on Facebook by SHS

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SecondHandSongs posted my re-orchestrated version of “Paint it black” on their Facebook page. Here is the link:

MusIcon: “Composition A”

Hint: place your mouse over the picture and move it around. For best experience click full screen.

“Composition A” by Piet Mondrian is an abstract painting where color is used lavishly, showing bright contrast between yellow and black, red and blue, framed by dark lines and white space. My decision was to approach this painting rhythmically. I used only percussion and different rhythmic signatures for every color. So we have:

Read More »MusIcon: “Composition A”