Climate Snake
“Climate Snake” is a generative video installation inspired by the classic arcade video game “Snake”.
“Climate Snake” is a generative video installation inspired by the classic arcade video game “Snake”.
Do you remember “Defender of the Crown”, a computer game of the 80s? If yes then I am sure that you will still remember the title music (composed by Jim Cuomo) played by a harpsichord-like sound of Amiga 500. I decided to orchestrate it for full orchestra and SATB Choir (below you can read the lyrics I added) in honor of the hours I spend playing this game. Here it is:
[note color=”#FFF26D”] Lyrics:
God save the King
Long live our noble King [/note]
Update: Cinemaware posted a link to my music on their facebook page. Read the post here.
Here is the original version of the music (title music ends at 0:46).
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