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Touch Me

Interactive Sculpture. Please, touch me. Unlike other artworks that we are advised to keep distance, this sculpture invites you to touch it.


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Interactive installation consisting of boxes arranged in a horizontal structure that resembles a dollhouse.

Ichographs MdelP

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A sound and picture artwork that explores the relationships between colors and frequencies with the famous painting of Raffaello “Madonna del Prato”.


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Pentavlos is a kinetic light and sound sculpture. Five white balls are oscillating inside acrylic tubes using the thrust of small propellers at the bottom of each system.


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Pentatono is a kinetic light and sound sculpture, where harmony and periodicity are the fundamental elements. Motion, sound and light; all are obeying the laws of the harmonic oscillation.

Yiannis Kranidiotis, “Ichograph Triptych – Monet”, 2015, Giclée print on paper (150 cm x 78 cm)

Ichograph Triptych – Monet

“Ichograph Triptych – Monet” is a digital art derived from the installation “Ichographs”. Three still frames from the installation’s video are composing this image.