Ichographs II – Absentia
“Ichographs II – Absentia” was created during the covid-19 pandemic, a time that was defined by the absence of thousands of people.
“Ichographs II – Absentia” was created during the covid-19 pandemic, a time that was defined by the absence of thousands of people.
An interactive light and sound sculpture that through the constant reflection of light, explores the concept of infinity.
Images of traveling ships are recreated in this kinetic installation.
A minimal light installation of 9 light tubes for the performance “Vanishing Point”
Large scale outdoor interactive light installations in collaboration with Athens Digital Arts Festival exclusively created for the City of Athens
“8bit God” is an interactive light sculpture made of glass cubes, inspired by the Cycladic Idols and 8 fundamental colors of the digital culture of the 8bit era.
Black Hole is a light and sound sculpture inspired by the geometry of a black hole. The accretion disk, the event horizon and the singularity are the fundamental structural elements of this sculpture.